What is the MentorCruise Podcast about?

Conversations with MentorCruise mentors and thought leaders about an aspect of building a career in tech. Every episode has a theme we want to share some knowledge about. A 30 minute conversation is cut down into a 15 minute quickly paced episode.

The process

  1. You should have received a calendar invite with a 30 minute slot and a link to Riverside.fm.
  2. Over the next few days I'll prep some notes and email them over to you. This includes timings of each section.
  3. We'll have a couple of minutes to prepare, then start with a casual introduction and ease to the conversation
  4. I'll email you when the episode is live after 2-3 weeks. We'll first publish the podcast, a blog post, then video snippets and a video.

Recording tips

  1. Find a quiet room

    Background noise is the enemy of a good recording. If you have kids or a dog that might be barking, please find a room where they are not. Acoustics are really important for good audio so this would be much appreciated.

  2. Wear headphones

    Please wear headphones for the recording, as the platform we use natively records the audio. If you have headphones on, it has to do echo cancelling post-processing, which makes the call sound like we're using Zoom.

  3. Test your microphone

    Your built-in microphone, Earbuds or AirPods may make you sound flat, might be too silent or have interference. An external microphone is always the best bet (a Tonor TC-777 is a really good, cheap start), but a good headset or simply a good dialed in setup can make the recording a lot smoother.

  4. Join on time

    We'll spend the first 5 minutes or so chatting through our notes, but allow for a few extra minutes to make sure the tech doesn't go wrong.

  5. Use Chrome

    The recording software we use is currently only fully compatible with Google Chrome, so please make sure you have it installed prior to recording and open the link manually in Google Chrome if it's not your default browser.

Other tips

  1. Turn off notifications To stop any unwanted sounds or distractions during the recording, please turn off your notifications.

  2. Close other apps

    Lots of apps open can cause the quality in the recording to drop, as they might be taking up some of the processing power required by the recording software. Close things if you can!